no-I found a beautiful and inspiring model

Yesterday was such a great day again. I did my Friday yoga at the beach at 7.00 together with beautiful friends. My dearest friend from Argentina took some awesome photos of this magic moment when the sun was raising. We had breakfast together before I went to my studio where I finished two paintings and was on my way to start on a new one called "the night cleaner". Sometimes everything works smoothly, sometimes not. When you don't find anything you are searching for to get ready to set up the painting, it is not smooth and the time and the inspiration pass away without any results. "The night cleaner" got such start and I never reached the starting point. Since it was my last day on my "mother week" I needed to drive my daughter and her friend into the city nearby. Luckily, because I decided to visit the studio of my dear husband. We went out for a late lunch and enjoyed the seaside. Still I am not used to this paradise looking view and still it is hard to believe that I got this wonderful opportunity to live here all year through. While sitting on the bar a beautiful young lady showed up just in front of me. She was sitting on one of the white benches nearby the water and made som selfies. I went to her and asked if I could take some photos of her to use in my upcoming paintings. She said yes with a rare enthusiasm and with my phone I could get some really nice photos that I will use as sketches for my next works. So the night cleaner will have to wait if it ever will become a painting. I hardly can't wait to do my next works. So inspired!
Have a wonderful weekend with inspiration!