no-Its great to be a team! And let's clean up our neighborhood!

Friday/blogday again! It has been a wonderful week!
On Monday we celebrated that Fabiana Candi started to work with us. So grateful to have her in our team!
The same day I joined a cleansing program on internet together with a dear friend to stay more focused. And it already helps, I think!
So this week I have been doing yoga every morning, eaten healthy food and stayed focused in my studio.
It feels so good to be part of a team with meetings and so on. The feeling of "the lonely painter" is gone! Here in Spain we cannot have flextime for our employee so we stick to the hours of the contract and I really like this new routine in our lives!
On Thursday 5th of december, we open the doors to our studio in Torrevieja. This week the spotlights arrived, a new image screen and a exhibitor for the graphics of Orion also arrived. Transport is fixed for the paintings so yes, step by step we are getting where we want.
Another cleaning project is also going on outside the studios: Orion and I pick one garbage bag each every day from our neighborhood. I recommend everybody to do the same so that we get a cleaner planet soon. It is unbelievable to see what people are throwing away in the nature. So sad and frustrating. Spain really needs a better clean up policy! Since we started the 7th of October I think we have filled up around 70 big garbage bags just very near our home! I wish you will do the same in your neighborhood if needed!
Have a wonderful weekend!