no-My birthday today!


I feel so privileged! This morning I woke up by two of my children singing for me with their beautiful voices. They had made me my favourite breakfast with crisp bread covered with avocado, heart formed cucumber and tomatoes. I love these family tradition!

Always on my birthday I take time to think about the year that passed and the year to come.

This year I am doing it here on my blog:

Last year I celebrated my birthday in Norway and Sweden, my birth country and previous home country, together with beautiful people. I had an exhibition in Norway together with my husband at galleri Hillestad. It was lovely. After the exhibition we went home to empty our old house in Sweden. It was such a huge amount of stuff there! It seemed endless, but we managed, step by step. Finally the building was empty and clean and ready for other people to take over. We said goodbye to it after 18 wonderful years in that house. An old chapter closed and a new was in the making.

Another highlight of the year was when we celebrated a beautiful Swedish/Bangladesh wedding with some of the most beautiful people in the world before heading to Spain where our new chapter started.

To move to a new country is exiting, but not always easy. To learn a new language, this time Spanish, is a big challenge. It is fun, frustrating, and it always takes more time than expected. To learn the codes of the country and to find a way in the jungle of papers is not so easy either. In the jungle there was a Swedish guy who wanted to "help us" to start up our companies. It turned out to be a very expensive story and we ended up as two self-employed and started up one S.L that we still don't know how to cope with. In November all of the frustration went so far that we, me and my husband, decided to divorce after 26 years together. It was a black period in my life and my art became so sad and black that I decided to paint over it all and try to find another job. The painting was at that moment only for my self, only for recovery. Very glad I have that valve though because it helped me to get on with my life. After four month we decided to ask for help outside because our communication was broken. I am very glad we did! We found back to each other when we had to do our Swedish tax declaration, the most boring thing to do on earth! In the middel of all papers we suddenly realised that we still loved each other and that none of us wanted to be separated.

During the four months of separation we got time to meet our selfs again and I am very thankful to this painful period of our life because I learned a lot from it that I use and will use in my future.

During the year we have reformed our studios and our new home and now everything is ready to dive into. We are residents in Spain and almost all the paperwork is done! Yeah!

So what will next year be like?

I will start working in the reception of ScandClinic part time because I need to meet more people. I look forward to try out something completely different in my life. Part time I will work in my beautiful studio. I am planning to make big sized works because I love to use the big format. I want to open my studio to public when I feel ready. And I hope to get som new exhibitions to work on in some exciting galleries or other art spaces.

I will continue to do yoga everyday and to eat healthy because it gives me the energy that I need to get further.

I will set up new routines and work hard to reach my goals. And hope that I will be able to show you a great amount of new works here on And one of my goals is to share more on social medias and here on my website. Hope to see you around!

Have a beautiful day,


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