no-Next week....

I always belive that everything will be better next week. It is my optimistic side of myself. Next week I will be able to paint everyday, to do yoga in the mornings, I will eat and drink more healthy, I will write on my blog on Friday and bla bla bla. But then suddenly the new week became this week and I realise that I didn't do yoga, I didn't paint and I didn't write on my blog as I promised. So what did I do? I was working in our studio in Torrevieja on a project that soon is coming up. The word is THURSDAYS. We, Orion and I, are planning to open the doors for you every Thursday from 17.30 to 20.00. Yet we didn't decide which Thursday we will open up, but I think 5th of December could be the date if everything goes the way we want. I will confirm this soon. I really look forward to this and hope to meet many of you there! Art, music, cava, nice mingle..... Another great news: we got a new team player in our team!! Fabiana Candi start working for us on Monday! We are looking so much forward to that!! She is such a wonderful person and we feel so happy to have her with us! She will get a better presentation later on at
So even if I haven't painted as much as I wanted the latests weeks, I have been busy! I love to be busy when I see that we are going the right direction! And I believe that next week I will.........!
So stay tuned to get information about our next steps..
Take care out there and thank you for following me <3