
I always belive that everything will be better next week. It is my optimistic side of myself. Next week I will be able to paint everyday, to do yoga in the mornings, I will eat and drink more healthy, I will write on my blog on Friday and bla bla bla. But then suddenly the new week became this week...

YES !! Today I finished the painting "Power of beauty"! This painting is now for sale. It is oil on canvas and it the dimensions is 1,40 m x 1,60 m. I look forward to exhibit it in our small exhibition-room in Torrevieja when we open this for public (if it isn't sold before the opening). And I look forward...

To move to Spain is one of the best decisions I ever made. I love this country where the sun and the people are shining so bright. I have tried out things that I never was able to try out before. Like working in a so called «normal job» for a while. I got the chance to work part time...

Yesterday was such a great day again. I did my Friday yoga at the beach at 7.00 together with beautiful friends. My dearest friend from Argentina took some awesome photos of this magic moment when the sun was raising. We had breakfast together before I went to my studio where I finished two paintings and was on my way to...

What have I done this week!? I ATE too much! And drank too much too.! And I didn't do my beloved yoga! Why!? I don't know. Hormones? Or maybe just a small devil inside that tries to destroy my focus? The result of it was far from satisfying. It made me feel too tired to do anything.

I feel so privileged! This morning I woke up by two of my children singing for me with their beautiful voices. They had made me my favourite breakfast with crisp bread covered with avocado, heart formed cucumber and tomatoes. I love these family tradition!

My daughter joins the Lovewell institute this year too. It is a fantastic summer school where children from 8-13 make a musical from scratch. That is the main reason why I am in Sweden at the moment. During the day I have had some time for my self and used it to finish an old step-by-step video of a...

I love mornings! To walk the dog down to the Mediterranean Sea while the city is still a sleep is just one of my favourite moments on the day. But it shouldn't last too long since the perfect moment for my creativity is as the same hours. That's when the ideas are awaken, when the focus is sharpened.

For noen uker siden flyttet vi sammen igjen!
Vi har lært oss mye på den tiden og har startet opp hvert vårt firma her i Spania.
Jeg som selvstendig næringsdrivende (autonomo på spansk). Orion har startet et firma som heter OrionArt.
Det er spennende prosesser på gang og vi tar steg for steg inn i vårt nye hjemland som vi storkoser oss i....