
Next level


Da jeg var i Kristiansand laget jeg denne nye litografen "Next level" (neste nivå) på Fredriksens grafikk. Det var en god opplevelse! Det var mange år siden siden sist jeg jobbet med stentrykk. Vi hadde bare to og en halv dag på oss så vi jobbet in till de sene kveldstimene! Takk, Anders Fredriksen for flott arbeid og fine dager....



Det var fantastisk å være i Norge igjen! Så mange følelser dukket opp da jeg besøkte mitt gamle hjemland ! Det er en sterk opplevelse å se et landskap i gråtoneskalen når man ikke lengre er vant til det. Jeg ble redd for å fryse. Ingen farger å se, bare hvitt, grått og svart. Men heldigvis hadde jeg en varm boblejakke og alt gikk uventet lett. ...

Gleder meg veldig til å reise hjem til Norge. Hjem til Norge. Rart at det er hjem til Norge etter så mange år i utlandet. Jeg har aldri hatt noen annen nasjonalitet enn norsk og føler meg fortsatt norsk på så mange måter selvom jeg flyttet for 28 år siden. Men hva er det? Hva er det norske i meg?...

Such a long time without any updates here on my website (again...!). I blame Hemsida24 because they are going to take to another platform with new tools and I have been waiting for this for months. To write blog here on is not convenient at all and I really look forward to new tools because I have a...

Friday again! A wonderful week is about to end. I had my "working" week and Orion had his "father-week". For us this system works perfectly! I love my working weeks when I don't have to think about anything else than working or enjoying. No shopping, no concerns about making food, housecleaning, or washing clothes. Our weeks normally ends with a...

no-A short one


This week has been really great! I could paint again and we have had som interesting meetings with exiting people. The showroom is almost ready and we are looking forward to the 5th of December when we officially open it up!
This was just a short text in lack of time, but at least I remembered my promise...

I always belive that everything will be better next week. It is my optimistic side of myself. Next week I will be able to paint everyday, to do yoga in the mornings, I will eat and drink more healthy, I will write on my blog on Friday and bla bla bla. But then suddenly the new week became this week...

YES !! Today I finished the painting "Power of beauty"! This painting is now for sale. It is oil on canvas and it the dimensions is 1,40 m x 1,60 m. I look forward to exhibit it in our small exhibition-room in Torrevieja when we open this for public (if it isn't sold before the opening). And I look forward...

To move to Spain is one of the best decisions I ever made. I love this country where the sun and the people are shining so bright. I have tried out things that I never was able to try out before. Like working in a so called «normal job» for a while. I got the chance to work part time...